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Playing sounds

To play sounds you need to use SmartifyOS.Audio. Then you can simply call


Or this, if the file is in AudioManager.audioConfig_SO


Adding audio files to AudioManager.audioConfig_SO

To add an audio file to the config right click in your project browser Create > SmartifyOS > Audio > Add Audio Config, name the file and open it.
In there you can add new AudioClip variables and optionally structs

using UnityEngine;

namespace SmartifyOS.Audio
public partial class AudioConfig_SO : ScriptableObject
public WarningSounds warningSounds;

public struct WarningSounds
public AudioClip parkingBrakeOn;
public AudioClip doorOpen;

Now assign the audio files:

  1. Import the audio file into Unity
  2. Click on the scriptable object Assets/ScriptableObjects/AudioConfigSO
  3. In the inspector window you should be able to assign the audio files.